My Family

My Family

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Great Physician

It’s one o’clock in the morning and I hear the pitter-pater of little feet across the floor and then I hear Mommy!!!  I get up and climb the stairs hoping that all they need is some water or to be re-tucked into bed.  But as I get to the top of the stairs I hear “I don’t feel good”.  My heart sinks and I think this could be a long night.  I hate it when one of my kids are sick I feel so helpless and I wish I could take away the tummy ache, the sore throat or whatever little ache or pain they are experiencing.  So I do all the normal mommy things, I check for a temperature and if they feel warm I get out the thermometer and if there is a temperature, then I give them a dose of Tylenol and tell them to lay on the couch.  I go into their room and get a pillow and a blanket and we camp out together on the couch.  I hope by morning they are feeling better.  Morning comes and they are not better, still running a fever and aches and pains are all still present, so I let them stay home from school.  By the end of the day they appear to be much better and I worry about what will happen during the night.  So bed time comes and I check them again, give a dose of Tylenol just for safe measures and go to bed, the next morning, they are still not feeling any better so I call the doctor and make an appointment.  How many of us go thru that same ritual, how many of us call on God, our great physician when our children are sick and need a healing touch from Him?  I know I do!

We know how important our children are to us and their return to a healthy norm, how more important is the sickness of sin.  I know God can heal all manners of physical sickness, we run to God whenever our children are sick or we have a friend or family member who is sick or has been diagnosed with a terminal illness.  But how often are we praying for those that are lost, our loved ones, an acquaintance or even that person we have never met in passing or the ones we shall never meet.  God is our great physician and not only can he heal our physical illness but more important he heals our spiritual illness.  Yes I said it spiritual illness, those that are unsaved, those God has not called to be a part of His chosen few are spiritual sick. 

In Mark 2:17 ~ When Jesus heard (it), he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick.  I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Jesus said the healthy or saved do not require a doctor, only those that are sick.  They need a touch from the Great Physician, those that are lost and going to hell.  We as Christians should act as God’s nurses; we need to do all the things that nurses do before the Doctor sees the patient.  We start by praying for them, we then tell them about the Doctor and what the Doctor can do for them and we then allow the Doctor to do His part. 

We sometimes forget about this spiritual sickness, but it was foremost in our Savior’s mind.  Just like Jesus, we should be most concerned with the sickness of sin and introducing the lost to the Great Physician.  So let us be God’s nurses while there is still time and tell the sick about the One who can heal them.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Blog

I am always amazed when I hear of some new gadget that has been developed to make my life easier or some new technology that is better than the last.  I have never been one to keep a diary or journal.  I am not good at putting my thoughts to paper or putting to words what I am thinking, also not a great speller, thank goodness for spell check!  So the whole blogging thing really intrigues me, not only can I write anything I want, but I can post it for the entire world to see.  I remember when I was in the third or fourth grade my mom bought me a little diary, my first.  I remember writing something about the day I had and I wanted to share it with everyone.  It just so happened that night my parents were holding a dinner party at our apartment, and I felt the need to share my thoughts with this crowd of people, now being the kind adults they were they listened and applauded my bravery and creativity (not that what I had written was anything profound, not much going on when your 8) and never again did I allow people to see what I had written in private, until January.  When I realized what blogging was and had read a few, some from people I knew and some from complete strangers, I thought to myself, “Hey, I can do that”.  So I did.  Not sure if anyone cares what I think, say or experience, but it is really a nice outlet, I can’t believe how it makes me feel.  Some of the times I am frustrated or excited about things that have happened and when I put it down on paper or should I say when I type it out on this neat little thing we call a computer, I feel better or a since of calm.  It is almost like prayer, because a lot of the time when I am typing away I am praying, asking God to give me the right words to say or help me to word something just right.  When I started this blog I wanted to be a witness, not just to put down my thoughts to paper, but a real outreach.  A lot of my family and friends are unsaved, so I thought, “why can’t I write about things that are important to me”, so I did.  For my first blog I started small and the more I do it the easier it becomes and I believe that God will do the rest, He will prick and speak to that one heart, that one could be a lost soul or someone that is in need of encouragement.  It is important to me to see my friends and family saved and going to heaven, will God save every person that I come in contact with, probably not, but it is my responsibility to still try to plant the seed and it will be up to God wither he allows that seed to grow.   God commanded us to go out and compel them to come in.

Luke 14:23 ~ And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways, and hedges, and compel (them) to come in, that my house may be filled.

So I believe the Lord has placed this desire to blog on my heart, I can tell my loved ones as well as complete strangers about my God and His grace, mercy and love.  I can share with them my testimony and how God has blessed me in the good and bad.  God has allowed me put my thoughts and desires to paper for His glory.  I pray for those who are lost that you may find peace and comfort in the loving arms of God.  And I pray that God will bless those that read and follow my blog and I pray that it can lift you when your are down.  Help me to pray for the lost and please pray for the families that were injured and or who lost loved ones in yesterday’s bombing in Boston.

Please drop me a line when you can and please continue to pray for our little family that we will always seek God's will for our lives and we glorify God in all we say and do.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Ring

Ring:  a circular band for holding, connecting, hanging, pulling, packing, or sealing. 
A ring has no beginning and it has no end, when these words were spoken by the preacher on March 23 during the vow renewal of my Aunt Harriet and her husband Michael of 11 years, I was brought to tears when the circle was completed by their daughter Brittney.  For those of us who have made the commitment of marriage before God we started a circle, small as it might be.  I started my own life long journey with Jason on August 21, 1999 and our circle grew to add Aaron on February 06, 2006 and our little circle was completed on May 01, 2008 when Ashleigh was born.  It is amazing how God works in our lives and how He chooses our life mates.  As many know I dated a guy for years before I met Jason, I thought we would marry and that would be it, but GOD.  I love that statement, BUT GOD!!!  Well me and what’s his name never made it down the aisle and called it quits.  Jason and I met not to long after that.  I was asked out by a guy who I met in a very unusual way, ask me about it and I will tell you the whole story.  We went out and he invited me to church and I went.  That is where I met Jason thru this mutual friend Jeremy Varner.  God used Jeremy to introduce Jason and me, and the rest is history, we were married two years later.  Now here we are Jason and I with two children and God in the center.  God holds our Ring together, He connects us all to each other and He is holding us within His arms.  He is pulling us back when we stray too far and He is pushing us when He needs to.  God has sealed our little family within the confinements of this Ring that He has created.  As the bible says in Matthew 19:9 ~ What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.  God creates a Ring when a man and woman are joined in marriage, at times God chooses to grow that Ring as He sees fit.  I am so glad that God has given me Jason as my husband and that he has blessed us with Aaron and Ashleigh and I am so grateful that He is in the center of our Ring!